And here it is.. ICQZombie v0.7b Thanx again to [ a m K ] and to [ e l i T e ] for beta testing. These guys really ROCK! It was ready earlier, but I had very hard exams to pass. Sorry for the delay. The proggy finds zombies very fast, but I did it only with 3 threads. It's tested with 10 threads, even I did stress-test with 100 threads! It's working fine in all cases but the more the threads the slow the connection and this leads to slowing down of the program. You can load a list with uins or a range. Checkbox "Log" is for logging (saving) the found uins. Some of you may need comdlg32.ocx or mswinsck.ocx files, they are included in the .zip. There are also some small bugs that will be fixed in the next version
Here is the link, and.. happy zombie hunting
ICQZombie v0.7b