На сайте компании Kerio обновление! Вышел в свет Kerio Network Monitor 2.1.1 - утилита для мониторинга как Интернет соединений, так и всего сетевого трафика. Чтение и лог ICQ и E-mail сообщений и другие новые функции! Можно качать и тестить=) Размер - 1.7 Мб Download
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Kerio Network Monitor 2 is a sophisticated tool for monitoring your Internet connection and network traffic. It allows the administrator to create various statistics, charts, graphs, etc. Kerio Network Monitor 2 can capture and display the following information:
● on-line load status of the line (in graphical form)
● online accounting of transmitted data (for individual workstations)
● table of active connections (for individual workstations)
● log of visited websites
● log of sent and received emails (with sender/recipient addresses)
● log of sent and received ICQ messages (time, UIN's, message text)
● allows the administrator to view the contents of visited websites and sent/received emails
Источник: MaZaFaKa