На оффициальном сайте &RQ http://www.rejetto.com/&RQ/ появилась Preview версия популярного клона ICQ &RQ
Что нового:
MINOR: the "Read auto-message" command in contact menu is always available by pressing SHIFT
MINOR: preferences: privacy&security: "warn me when someone uses visibility exploit on me"
MINOR: if requesting an auto-message you lose your invisibility, you get warned
MINOR: white pages: export results to CLB and TXT
MINOR: improved client recognition (trillian, icq2002, icq2003, icqlite)
CHANGE: new behaviour when "read auto-message" of contacts you are invisible to: the contact is inserted for few seconds in the temporary visible list
BUGFIX: chat window: inserting a smile would scroll the input box to the top
BUGFIX: chat window: avoid some scrollbar flickering
BUGFIX: chat window: lacking graphical update changing chat with right click
BUGFIX: chat window: unwanted extra char quoting auto-messages
BUGFIX: CLB import: nickname was not imported
BUGFIX: CLB import: contacts with no group were imported in a nameless group
BUGFIX: using the lock twice, the password was already inserted
BUGFIX: contact list: graphical problems disabling the roaster bar
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